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WOC 2015: Recruitment of course planners

With areas and permissions being arranged, it is now time to find planners to set the courses that will challenge and decide the best orienteers in the world when Scotland hosts the World Orienteering Championships in 2015.

Jukola 2012: Live!

Welcome to our live coverage from the biggest orienteering event of the year, as over 1600 men's teams tackle the Jukola relay's seven legs through tough Finnish terrain, starting at 20:30 BST (22:30 Finnish Time) and running through the short midsummer night.

Venla 2012: Live!

Welcome to our live coverage from a field in Finland of some exciting orienteering action as over 1200 women's teams compete in the Venla relay, little sister to Jukola, across 4 legs starting at 12:00 BST.

Jukola 2012 - Live Reports

The world's biggest orienteering relay, Jukola-Venla 2012 kicks off tomorrow in Helsinki - we'll be doing our best to bring live updates from the event centre of both the women's and men's races.

Harvester Relay 2012

British Army Orienteering Club are holding the Harvester Relay on Sunday 1 July 2012 at Bordon Heaths in Hampshire. The event is a day/night relay competition for teams of seven (A course) or five (B course) competitors.

Shropshire Town and Country Weekend

Wrekin Orienteers and Harlequins have a great springtime weekend lined May 26th & 27th. Brown Clee provides the challenge on Sunday and a brand new urban area, Bridgnorth on the Saturday.

Poole Town Race

On Saturday 26th May 2012 the first Poole Town Race will take place. With winning times around 30 mins, and on brand new mapping, you can explore the heritage of old Poole… at speed.

British Long & Relay Champs - entry deadline

This weekend is your last opportunity to enter the British Long Distance and Relay Championships, taking place on 5 & 6 May, while entries for the Kendal Urban Race on 7 May (part of the Nopesport Urban League) close on 26 April.

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